The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Prof. Sifuni Ernest Mchome (at the request of Karoline Mthapula, Personal Assistant to H.E. President Kikwete) met with Country Director Albin Mathias, Board Member Ena Haines and Founding Executive Director Janice Lathen on January 31st, 2014. Mrs. Mthapula extended her hospitality by meeting our team at the Ministry to personally introduce us to Prof. Mchome.
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Prof. Sifuni Mchome and Founding Executive Director Janice Lathen |
Prof. Mchome is a known ICT advocate and invited Powering Potential to participate in Education Week in Tanzania in April. He also accepted our invitation to receive email updates on our progress. We thank him for his warm welcome and interest in our work.