Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ngorongoro Software Upgrades Completed

A few words from ICT Manager Neema Lyimo and Technical Consultant Denis Christopher:

The Powering Potential team has been working hard at Lake Natron and Soitsambu Secondary Schools upgrading the software used in our solar-powered Raspberry Pi Computer labs. A similar upgrade will happen at the Nainokanoka Secondary School soon as well. In the photos below, you can see us assembling the computers and getting them ready to be installed in the lab:

Denis Christopher,
Powering Potential Technical Consultant

Neema Lyimo,
ICT Manager 

After giving a presentation on the new features we added to the Raspberry Pi units, the teachers at Lake Natron Secondary School were eager to check for themselves:

The Teachers of Lake Natron Secondary School

After the installation at Soitsambu Secondary School, we began showing the students the new features. They were so happy to participate:

Students at Soitsambu Secondary School 

We are happy indeed that this portion of the software update went well. Our gratitude goes to everyone who participated with our cause. Powering Potential continues to flourish in our efforts due to the contributions of foundations and individual contributors like you. If you would like to help us continue giving rural Tanzanian students access to technology and modern education resources, visit to donate today. 
Asante sana (Thank you)! 

o o o 

The following Swahili proverbs are courtesy of The Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois. Swahili is the beautiful language of Tanzania:

Daima mbele.

Always forward.

Kuishi ni Dhamiri.

Living is the intention. What makes a life worthwhile is having a purpose, an aim.